Construction & Contractors Blog
Electricity is a convenience that many property owners take for granted. This is why some people experience minor electrical issues and do not bother reporting them. They fail to realize that those seemingly harmless electrical inconveniences could be signalling to them that their electrical systems are on the verge of going awry. The following four electrical problems are signs that a more severe electrical issue could be present.
Lights that Flicker
If you notice intermittent light flickering, it could be a sign that there is a bad connection in your electrical system. Less significant and easier-to-correct issues that may cause lights to flicker are bulbs not screwed all the way in or bulbs on the verge of needing to be replaced. You can gauge the significance of the situation by changing out your light bulbs. If the flickering issue persists, it is likely a situation that needs professional attention.
Short Light Bulb Life
If you are regularly replacing light bulbs in your property, it could be a sign that you have an electrical issue such as a loose wire or too much electrical current coming into the affected fixtures. Less significant and easier-to-correct issues are light bulbs that are blowing as a result of being screwed in too tight or bulbs blowing as a result of too much heat within light fixtures. Try to screw light bulbs in firmly but not tight. Buy larger globes or light covers if you suspect overheating could be the culprit.
Sparks Emitting from Outlets
If you notice sparks coming out of your electrical outlets on a regular basis, it may be indicative of excess heat in the outlets. This is dangerous because the heat could eventually melt wiring or cause any nearby insulation to ignite resulting in a fire. Keep in mind that if you only have noticed a spark emitting every now and then, you may not have a significant electrical problem. Refrain from using outlets that you have seen sparks emit from regularly until a professional (such as one from Nicholas Electric Co) can diagnose the cause of the issue and fix it.
Non-working Outlets
Outlets may stop working as a result of them wearing out over time. You can choose to get these outlets repaired and replaced based upon whether or not you are inconvenienced by them not working. Signs of non-working outlets that need professional attention are outlets that have a blackened or melted appearance. This is because the change in appearance is indicative of a possible fire hazard. If an outlet suddenly stops working, ensure you check your breaker box to make sure it is not simply a case of the breaker tripping.
An electrician is the best resource to use when you experience recurring electrical issues. They can perform an inspection and determine whether you need to replace or update your electrical wiring in its entirety or just certain portions of it. Electrical inspections can also reduce the chances of you falling prey to faulty electrical wiring issues.
Share23 October 2015
My name is Debbie Greenberg. I’m a single woman who owns her home, and like most homeowners I dread home repairs. I’m not very handy with do-it-yourself projects around the house. I can do a few minor repairs when necessary, but for the most part I have to call in a professional. Last year I had a leak in my roof. When it rained, water would leak into my kitchen. What appeared to be a simple fix turned out to be anything but simple. It took over four months to finally identify the problem, and double the money I was initially quoted to fix it. The problem ended up being that the flat part of my roof didn't have shingles, but a sheeting material. I learned a bit about home roofs along the way, and that is what I want to share with you.