Situations That May Require Your Water Pump To Be Upgraded

Construction & Contractors Blog

If your home is served by a water well, the pump is one of the most important components of the system. This can make any projects involving a replacement or upgrading of the water pump a major undertaking. While this is not an upgrade to undertake lightly, there are some situations where it may simply be required.

Increased Water Needs

Every water pump system will have a maximum capacity for the amount of water that it can move. If the needs of your family grow to the point where they are exceeding this capacity, the water pump will have to be upgraded to a system that has a higher capacity. This upgrade can be important for both ensuring the home has enough water for the needs of the occupants and minimizing the amount of wear that the water pump sustains. The maximum capacity of your water pump may be determined by the local ordinances in your area that regulate the use of underground water sources, and you will have to consult with these regulations before you start the process of choosing a new pump.

The Addition Of A Filtration System

Well water will often be of fairly low quality, and this can create health problems and plumbing issues for the house. In response to this problem, it is a popular upgrade for people to add a filtration system to their pump. These systems are capable of removing the majority of the particulate and chemical contaminants from the water that is being pumped from the ground, but they can significantly reduce the flow of water to the system, as they will add resistance the pump must overcome. This can lead to the homeowner needing to invest in an upgraded pumping system that will have the capacity to overcome this additional source of resistance.

Mechanical Failure

The mechanics of a water pump system are complex, and this can lead to the entire system suffering serious performance problems if there are any of these issues with the pumping system. Unfortunately, it is also possible for mechanical problems to create cascading issues that could cause enough damage to require the pump to be replaced. Depending on the age of your pump, you may want to consult the warranty for it, as many pumps will have warranty coverage that may last a decade or longer. If your pump is protected by this type of long-lasting warranty, you may be able to reduce or avoid the costs of replacing it.


15 March 2021

Leaking Roofs and Roof Repairs

My name is Debbie Greenberg. I’m a single woman who owns her home, and like most homeowners I dread home repairs. I’m not very handy with do-it-yourself projects around the house. I can do a few minor repairs when necessary, but for the most part I have to call in a professional. Last year I had a leak in my roof. When it rained, water would leak into my kitchen. What appeared to be a simple fix turned out to be anything but simple. It took over four months to finally identify the problem, and double the money I was initially quoted to fix it. The problem ended up being that the flat part of my roof didn't have shingles, but a sheeting material. I learned a bit about home roofs along the way, and that is what I want to share with you.