Understanding Horizontal Directional Bore Drilling And How To Use It On Your Projects

Construction & Contractors Blog

When you have a project where excavations are impractical, you need solutions to get the job done. Horizontal directional bore drilling is one of these solutions. It can be used for various solutions like installing utilities and pipes. There are different types of rigs and equipment that can be used depending on your drilling needs. The following horizontal bore drilling information will help you use these solutions for your projects.

Types of Horizontal Drilling

There are different types of horizontal drilling solutions, and each can be used for different needs of your projects. Some of the different types of horizontal drilling solutions to consider for your projects include:

  • Directional bore drilling
  • Pipe ramming  
  • Moling (for the installation of pipelines)

The different drilling techniques can be used for various types of projects. You may only need directional boring for smaller projects and the installation of pipes.

Rigs Used for Horizontal Bore Drilling

Different types of rigs can be used for drilling. Some of the different rigs that can be used for your projects include:

  • Horizontal directional boring rigs
  • Pipe ramming rigs
  • Moling rigs

The type of rig that is used for your project will depend on your needs. Sometimes, a combination of rigs may be needed to complete a project.

Excavation for Horizontal Drilling

Even though drilling rigs are used, you will still need to have some excavation work done for preparations. Some of the excavation work that will need to be done for the drilling includes:

  • Holes for rigs to begin drilling
  • Endpoints to connect pipes and materials
  • Access excavations for specific project designs (connections and drilling changing directions)

The excavations can sometimes be done by hand or with small equipment. This will leave a minimal impact where you are using directional drilling to complete your project.

Installation of Pipes and Other Materials  

Materials like pipes will have to be installed during the drilling process. Depending on the type of drilling you are doing, different methods may be used for the installation of materials, including:

  • Pipes are installed during the ramming process
  • Materials are installed in mole bores after drilling
  • Materials are installed inside conduits after drilling

The installation of pipes and other materials is the last step in the horizontal directional bore drilling process.

Using directional drilling can provide a noninvasive solution where traditional excavation methods are a challenge. Contact a horizontal directional drilling service to discuss these options for your next project.


15 April 2021

Leaking Roofs and Roof Repairs

My name is Debbie Greenberg. I’m a single woman who owns her home, and like most homeowners I dread home repairs. I’m not very handy with do-it-yourself projects around the house. I can do a few minor repairs when necessary, but for the most part I have to call in a professional. Last year I had a leak in my roof. When it rained, water would leak into my kitchen. What appeared to be a simple fix turned out to be anything but simple. It took over four months to finally identify the problem, and double the money I was initially quoted to fix it. The problem ended up being that the flat part of my roof didn't have shingles, but a sheeting material. I learned a bit about home roofs along the way, and that is what I want to share with you.